Just when they thought it was all about me. Clearly I show to be more than what one assumes, which is far and beyond the scope of being seen as just another rapper; considering self as Great is way more than just saying it.

I show my greatness by my great works. Works that are far and beyond just creating, and pushing my own creative works. My greatness is also seen within other artist’s works who I work with.

This is a free download of MC My D’s Mix-Tape that I was able to accommodate, and assist him in getting done.

If you would like to donate by all means please do so, because it helps me, to be able to get into a better position to not only help this artist, but also build to be able to have the time to help other artist get protects done as well.

If you decide you would like to have a hard copy email me, because CD’s and label cover with information is more exclusive.

We also would like to thank each and everyone who supported this project by donating to it in Kalamazoo, Chicago, Texas etc.

So what are you waiting for? Go get your download now. Let us know if ya digging the work produced by like, comment and sharing of your thoughts on the lyrical content that the artist put in work to bring that Hip Hop flavor back to your ears.

Download the Everyday Mix-Tape below.




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